July 20, 2012

Summer Update #1

Here is the first update on what we've been up to :)

Johnny has been taking swimming lessons. It's pretty adorable to watch. 

Subway sandwiches at the park...

I love hanging out with these guys.
(Andrew & Johnny...'case you were wondering)

Misty evenings at home...

Watching movies with MaryAnna.

Bouncing on the trampoline...

...apparently it's more fun if he can pick the music :)

Pixie's growing fast. 

 Me and Johnny

Andrew and I


Fireworks. From work. 

Finally getting to sleep in.

A girls' trip...grocery shopping was never so fun.


Fried rice. Made by my sister.

Birthday flowers. From my brother's girlfriend. 
(Yes, I know I'm lucky)

 Out to eat with friends.

Waiting for the bus. 

Because it's more exciting than taking a car. 

Shirley Temples for everyone.

Chocolate is always a good idea.

Impromptu birthday brownies. 

the Pool.

My favorite little "Mexican". 

Tastes like Summer.

Playing Truth and Dare in the park with Andrew and John. 

Summer berries. 

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